A PLL (phase-locked loop) is perhaps the most widely used analog circuit in SOCs (system-on-a-chip). Almost all SOCs with a clock rate over 30MHz use a PLL for frequency synthesis. Most SOCs use more than one PLL, with 3-10 PLLs common.
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Silicon Creations is a self-funded, leading silicon IP developer with offices in the US and Poland, and sales representation worldwide. The company provides world-class silicon intellectual property (IP) for precision and general-purpose timing (PLLs), oscillators, low-power, high-performance SerDes and high-speed differential I/Os for diverse applications including smart phones, wearables, consumer devices, processors, network devices, automotive, IoT, and medical devices. Silicon Creations' IP is proven and/or in high-volume mass production in process technologies up to the most advanced available in the industry.
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